Hello guys,
phant* i still have asthma.but not so bad.shit why the hell it won't go away.I am still in my jammies.jammies are so comfortable aaa.I like the roominess of big boxers.okay stop.
Yesterday there was sekolah ganti so i went to school.The first thee periods we all suppose to do a bit gotong royong in our clas so i was busy bossing people to do this and that.really,i was in a semangat mood.eceh assistant monitor HAHA .I was a bit pissed of since my teacher didnt tell us that we were going to decorate the class.So we did everything in the last minute.I have a lot of materials and papers at home but we end up just using a4 papers since no one has the proper materials.and our teacher expect us to finish everything by today.Sometimes i think people are soo smart~.
After school i went back a bit late with theera since she wants to hang out with her boyfriend.so i hung ot with baim.akiem didnt came to school.Things were borringg without him.Then i came back to school to finish band's board.Wow we have many pictures but i think we just put half of it in the board.Then went back with dad.change,sleeeeep.
okay no before that i had tea.and shower and pray of course.So i end yesterday by calling akiem.His phone went missing.Its hard to make contact,i dnt know how he's doing.seriously missing him everyday.Some stupid thieve took it and so i called his house phone.haiyo mahall but hearing his voice ,its like anything else doesnt matter.
Okay i want to take a shower.its already 1 pm.
I love my akiem so much.He is minee.u dn't know how lucky i am to have him :)
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